i am: circular questions of identity


  • Cyrus Sundar Singh
  • Samita Sarwan
  • Nicole Lee
  • Soo Kyung Min
  • Joel Zhang
  • Temi Phillips
  • Eddy Wang



Author Biographies

  • Cyrus Sundar Singh

    Cyrus Sundar Singh is an AcademiCreActivist: a multiple awardwinning filmmaker, composer, and scholar pursuing a PhD in communications and culture in the York – Ryerson Joint Graduate Program.

  • Samita Sarwan

    Samita Sarwan is currently working toward her master of social work at the University of Windsor.

  • Nicole Lee

    Nicole Lee is a second-year master of science student in kinesiology at Lakehead University.

  • Soo Kyung Min

    Soo Kyung Min is a global education specialist who oversees and supervises the founding of schools and program development in various countries, and she is a scholar with an EdD in educational leadership and policy from OISE/University of Toronto.

  • Joel Zhang

    Joel Zhang is currently working toward his master of science in One Health at the University of Western Ontario.

  • Temi Phillips

    Temi Phillips is a PhD candidate in the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at the University of Calgary.

  • Eddy Wang

    Eddy Wang recently graduated with a master of arts in cinema studies at the University of Toronto.


Cheng, A. A. (2001). The melancholy of race: Psychoanalysis, assimilation, and hidden grief. Oxford University Press.

Dei, G., & Kempf, A. (2013). New perspectives on African-centred education in Canada. Canadian Scholars’ Press.

Galloway, M. (Host). (2020, February 20). Farmers and the rail blockade [Interview]. In The current. CBC Radio. https://www.cbc.ca/radio/thecurrent/the-current-for-feb-20-2020-1.5469685/thursday-february-20-2020-fulltranscript-1.5470080




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