Depathologizing self-harm: The politics of survival


  • Sarah Redikopp


Author Biography

  • Sarah Redikopp

    Sarah Redikopp is a PhD candidate in the graduate program of Gender, Feminist and Women’s Studies at York University. She received her MA in Women’s Studies and Feminist Research from Western University in 2018 with support from SSHRC-CGSM. Sarah’s current doctoral work, which is generously supported by a SSHRC doctoral fellowship, examines lived experiences of self-harm in contexts of structural violence through an intersectional lens. Her research interests include political economies of mental health and madness, violence and mental health care, Mad Studies, and feminist and queer epistemologies. Sarah has published in areas of Critical Disability Studies and feminist theory.


American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). American Psychiatric Publishing.

Brickman, B. (2016). “Delicate” cutters: Gendered self-mutilation and attractive flesh in medical discourse. Body & Society, 10(4), 87 – 111.

Muehlenkamp, J.J., & Brausch, A.M. (2016). Reconsidering criterion A for the diagnosis of non-suicidal self-injury disorder. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 38(4), 547 – 558.

Redikopp, S. (2018). Borderline knowing: (Re)valuing borderline personality disorder as (counter) knowledge. Word and Text, VIII(1), 77 – 92.




How to Cite

Depathologizing self-harm: The politics of survival. (2021). Canada Watch.