Evading the unspeakable: A comment on Looking Back, Looking Forward, Volume I of the Report of the RCAP


  • Michael Posluns



Author Biography

  • Michael Posluns

    Michael W. Posluns was the founding director of the parliamentary relations program of the Assembly  of First Nations. His most recent book "Voices from the Odeyak" (Toronto: NC Press, 1993) is a study of  the James Bay Crees' resistance to the Great Whale Hydro Development Project. He is currently a  doctoral student at York University where he is writing a dissertation on "The Discourse of First Nations' Autonomy"




How to Cite

Evading the unspeakable: A comment on Looking Back, Looking Forward, Volume I of the Report of the RCAP. (1997). Canada Watch, 5(5). https://doi.org/10.25071/kn9s2249