Mapping a Black feminist psychology framework: Charting courses to care


  • Michelle Sraha-Yeboah


Biographie de l'auteur-e

  • Michelle Sraha-Yeboah

    Michelle Sraha-Yeboah is a doctoral candidate at York University in the Department of Social and Political Thought. Her research examines medical histories of racial and colonial violence, mental health care service use disparities, and holistic well-being. Her work is particularly concerned with the intersections of sociohistorical and political factors impacting Black Canadians’ mental health care service use patterns and treatment preferences. She attends to Black feminist theorizations of care to achieve anti-racist and decolonial mental health care service delivery for Africans in the Diaspora.


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Comment citer

Mapping a Black feminist psychology framework: Charting courses to care. (2021). Canada Watch.