Anticipating tomorrow from the lessons of yesterday


  • June Pak


Biographie de l'auteur-e

  • June Pak

    June Pak is an interdisciplinary artist who was born in Seoul, South Korea and now lives and works in Toronto. Her hyphenated identity as a Korean-Canadian informs her practice, as she aims to portray ethnicity in a non-stereotypical and non-binary manner. She utilizes storytelling to showcase the intricacies of immigrant life. The images she creates reflect the complexity of ethnic representation through duplication, erasure, masking, and performance. She is currently leading a project with artists in Korea and Canada as part of a special strategy project initiated by the Canada Council for the Arts and the Art Council Korea, marking 60 years of diplomatic relationship between the two countries. She holds teaching positions at the University of Toronto (Visual Studies) and OCAD University (Cross-Disciplinary Art and Integrated Media).




Comment citer

Anticipating tomorrow from the lessons of yesterday. (2024). Canada Watch.